
Webster Technique and Protocol

What is the Webster Protocol?

Dr. Cori Seyhoon is certified in the Webster Technique and associated protocol. According to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, the Webster Protocol is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/SI joint dysfunction. In so doing neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.

“Dr Larry Webster, founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association developed this adjustment as a safe means to restore proper pelvic balance and function. It was developed to restore normal physiological function of the mother and improve her comfort throughout pregnancy in preparation for a safer, easier birth. He reported that in women who presented with a breech baby, the results of the adjustment appeared to normalize pelvic neuro-biomechanics and facilitate optimal fetal positioning. As he taught other doctors of chiropractic this adjustment, they too reported positive changes in baby positioning.” -

Pubic Symphysis Disorder

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Sacro-iliac Dysfunction

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Involves compression or irritation of the largest nerve in your lower extremity, the sciatic nerve as it exits your spine (possible stenosis), runs through your muscle (piriformis 10% of the time), or as it relates to a disc issue. Pregnancy may also bring on these symptoms. Patients may experience deep burning, pain, and weakness from the back all the way into one foot. The pain can be excruciating, or may come and go. Chiropractic care is the only treatment that can reduce pressure on the nerve and nerve roots without surgery.

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti is a condition of increased separation between the right and left halves of the rectus abdominus muscle. A measurement of more than 2 to 2.5 finger-widths, or 2 centimeters at the umbilicus and just above, or below the umbilicus is considered problematic. Diastasis recti can occur anytime in the last half of pregnancy, but is most commonly seen after pregnancy when the abdominal wall is vulnerable and lax and the thinner mid line tissue no longer provides adequate support for the torso and internal organs.

A small amount of widening of the abdominal wall happens in all pregnancies and is normal. Diastasis recti occurs in approximately 30% of all pregnancies and some will close to less than 2 finger-widths spontaneously, but for many, the tissue remains too wide, causing symptoms ranging from mild to severe later on. Patients will typically complain of “not being able to lose the belly fat, or having a pouch that won’t go away despite excessive abdominal exercises.”

Diastatsis recti reduces the integrity and functional strength of the abdominal wall and can aggravate lower back pain and pelvic instability. Oftentimes, there is subsequent SI joint pain and psoas dysfunction. Separation in a previous pregnancy significantly increases the probability, and severity, of the condition in subsequent pregnancies. Women expecting more than one baby, petite women, those with a pronounced sway back, or with poor abdominal muscle tone are at greatest risk.

Treatment includes postpartum bracing, avoiding abdominal crunches, chiropractic manipulation, muscular stabilization and pelvic floor exercises.

If you would like Dr. Cori Seyhoon to evaluate you for this condition, please schedule an appointment here.