Eating Smart – Holiday Edition

Eating Smart – Holiday Edition

Almost everyone freaks out around the Holidays. It’s inevitable. STRESS. Whaaa, boohoo, let’s begin our pity party now and insert the dreaded victim voice. “I’ve got too much to do and no time for myself, my family is in town and I can’t work out, the food is too good...
My Big Confession

My Big Confession

I’M A WEE BIT EMBARRASSED by this little secret, but I think it’s important to share my views on this subject because I get asked about this topic all the time. Honestly, this is one area where I say one thing and sheepishly do the opposite. Yes, I believe...
5 Signs You Need to Get Adjusted

5 Signs You Need to Get Adjusted

When should you go see your favorite person in the world (aka – your chiropractor) Or when should you initiate chiropractic treatment? Here’s a quick and easy guide to help you sort out if you REALLY need expert evaluation, or if you can save money by doing some...