Upper Extremity


Coming soon…

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When the wrist area or “carpal tunnel” becomes inflamed, it can cause burning pain, numbness, or weakness in the hands and fingers. Oftentimes pinched nerves in the wrist, elbow, shoulder, and even neck can mimic carpal tunnel syndrome and cause similar symptoms. Unfortunately, many patients opt for surgery before exploring conservative care, and ultimately their pain, or discomfort returns. Chiropractic treatment removes the pinching on the nerves, so that hand problems can be eliminated.

Elbow Conditions

Pain in the elbow can truly start to hinder your performance in sports, or at work due to the numerous tendinous connections in that area, as well as in the wrist which can also be affected. Lateral and Medial Epicondylitis are repetitive overuse injuries that are common in golfers and tennis players and respond very well to conservative chiropractic treatment methods. Cryotherapy, Myofascial Release, and Extremity adjustments all help to release adhesions, inflammation, and reduce tension in the area to facilitate healing.

Medial Epicondylitis

Coming soon…

Lateral Epicondylitis

Coming soon…

Pronator Teres Impingement

Coming soon…

Shoulder Injuries (Rotator Cuff Impingement Syndrome)

Many patients have suffered from sprains and strains of the shoulder complex and rotator cuff. There are actually many more muscles and ligaments that can cause shoulder pain. We use topical analgesics, soft tissue therapy, mobilization, and adjustments to help a sprain/strain injury recover faster and reduce impingement syndrome. Research supports the fact that chiropractic manipulations help to reduce inflammation and restore normal joint alignment. Our patients are given a stretching and exercise program to strengthen the shoulder quickly and prevent a “frozen shoulder”.

Impingement Syndrome

Coming soon…

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Coming soon…

Brachial Plexus Injury

Coming soon…