What thing causes, or worsens 95% of ALL illnesses and diseases? You got it, STRESS! Since we experience internal and external stressors, it’s important to recognize ways to manage stress, so we can protect and preserve our mind-body. Perhaps this post will serve as a little reminder for the things you already know!


H2O – drink between 1-2 litres daily (No, I don’t mean drink Vitamin Water, or Gatorade, or some other flavored water…just REAL water. Add REAL lemon if you want, but don’t drink the artificial junk)

MOVE – walk 20 – 30 minutes daily, critical for joint function and mobility (seriously, just move…get off your booty, sitting is why you are in my office)

SLEEP – 8 hours each night (that’s not enough for me, I need 9-10, everyone is different, so assess your own body!)

EAT WHOLESOME FOODS – clean, fresh, balanced & Organic if possible (if you are eating where you buy gas, or drive through to pick it up, it’s probably better for your car than for your body)

GET OUTDOORS – fresh air aid mental clarity, reduces depression and anxiety (go on vacation, take a break, take a walk, doesn’t need to be fancy, just look at something green and pretty)

TOUCH – physical touch gives a sense of being connected, love, and healing (so many folks don’t get enough touch! That’s why chiropractic is so fantastic, but also another reason to give more hugs)

GOOD POSTURE – aids nervous system, helps core strength (ahem…yes, please do, or I will see you more frequently)

POSITIVE THOUGHTS – optimism leads to success in all realms of life (no Debbie Downers allowed in this house)

•  LAUGH & SMILE – releases endorphins

•  CHIROPRACTIC CARE – ensures proper nervous system function and improves overall health (sweet, come see me!)


DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE – gives you depth and momentum (write it down)

CONNECT WITH YOUR INNER VOICE – gives you strength and peace (each day)

MEDIATE – allows you to hear the inner voice and seek wisdom from above, or within, and recharge (each day)

LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS – essential for happiness and long life  (have a great group of friends)

LAUGH – stimulates life and releases stress

FORGIVENESS – frees you to move on (forgive yourself!!)


TAKE TIME FOR YOUR FAMILY – creates a legacy for the future (be present for one another)

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – creates empathy and ability to develop a world civilization (don’t show love only when others comply with your wishes, make sure to show them even when they don’t)

IMPROVE COMMUNICATION – aids relationships, effective teams, and working groups (practice the Art of Consultation)

LISTEN – win friends, become interesting by focusing on others, not yourself (less talky talky, more listening)

ENCOURAGE STRONG VALUES – guides us when times are difficult (know what they are)

ENCOURAGE PERSONAL GROWTH – continues journey of exploration, evolving movement (try new things)

HAVE FUN – do we really need a reason? Don’t take everything so seriously.


LESS COMPUTER/TV TIME – stimulates creativity and protects the nervous system (ummm, except when kids are sick, husband is out of town, and you need to make dinner)

MOVEMENT – aids health, decreases anxiety, depression, and obesity (fun obstacle courses, soccer in the house, dance parties)

BE PRESENT – creates secure bonds with family members (kid dates, less multi-tasking)

ALLOW SELF EXPRESSION– stimulates growth and encourages their own voice (check in and ask them how they feel)

ENCOURAGE DIALOGUE – aids self confidence


BOUNDARIES & CONSISTENCY – sets them up for success

Feel free to add your own tips in the comments below, or message me with ones you would like me to add to this list! I would love to hear what works for you.

Thanks for reading this blog! Let’s cut the small talk and get right to the good stuff, click here to schedule your appointment. If you really want to gain karma points, follow me on twitter @drcoriseyhoon and like me on Facebook because that’s how I measure my true success. Feel free to e-mail me feedback at drcoriseyhoon@gmail.com!